当前位置 首页 正在热映 《加拉帕戈斯:自然的仙境免费在线观看高清版》



主演:杰夫·科尔文 大卫·爱登堡 

导演:Martin Williams 



In the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, there is a paradise unlike any other: the Galapagos archipelago. Amongst these fascinating and remote volcanic islands, life has played out over millions of years in relative isolation. The result is a wonderland of nature, with a remarkable collection of plants and charismatic animals that have all adapted to this unique environment. Meet giant half-ton tortoises and marine iguanas that spit sea-salt from their noses. Dance with tropical albatrosses and hunt fishes with the colorful blue-footed boobies. Dive into the ocean with flightless cormorants and swim with tiny penguins thousands of miles away from their natural habitats. Around the archipelago, converging cross-winds and deep, cold, nutrient-rich currents have made possible a unique and bio-diverse marine oasis, which boasts everything from abundant microscopic plankton to Galapagos sharks. This is a story of discovery, of survival against the odds, and of nature's ingenuity, all brought ...

英国最新正在热映《加拉帕戈斯:自然的仙境免费在线观看高清版》由 Martin Williams  执导。农民影视为广大网友收集了2022年由 杰夫·科尔文 大卫·爱登堡  等领衔主演的加拉帕戈斯:自然的仙境免费在线观看高清版在线观看,农民影视还支持手机看免费高清版加拉帕戈斯:自然的仙境免费在线观看高清版,非常方便,希望大家喜欢。


