当前位置 首页 正在热映 《夜光藻手机高清在线播放》



主演:Saar Rogiers 希尔德·德·巴尔德玛 Sebast 




Lena loves the ocean. Battling the wind and waves on her sailing boat, she is as passionate and fearless as her father on his fishing expeditions. But one day, he and the rest of his crew do not return. Some say it was an accident; others say he had been reckless. Lena is sure it could not have been his fault. They must have encountered a gigantic sea creature, causing the boat to capsize. The signs are everywhere: from a shadow in the water, to a large tooth stuck in a piece of driftwood. If only she could find that one, decisive piece of evidence, she could stand up to her family and friends and prove them all wrong. Thus begins a requiem of rage and a tale of letting go and of holding on – to the inexplicable, and to one another.   源自:https://www.berlinale.de/en/2023/programme/202306940.html

比利时最新正在热映《夜光藻手机高清在线播放》由 多米恩·哈夫  执导。农民影视为广大网友收集了2022年由 Saar Rogiers 希尔德·德·巴尔德玛 Sebastien Dewaele 林恩·范侯耶 Sverre Rous  等领衔主演的夜光藻手机高清在线播放在线观看,农民影视还支持手机看免费高清版夜光藻手机高清在线播放,非常方便,希望大家喜欢。


